Sandra on expectations:
"People have their lists of what they want in their partner, and three-quarters of them are superficial. If life doesn't give you what you want, it'll present you with what you need and you don't realize it. That need is far greater and more profound than the little list thing."
For many many years I did not like Sandra bullock. All I really knew of her was her movies but I refused to watch any of them. I became a fan in 2000 when she made Miss Congeniality. I realized not only do I now like her acting (I think the type of roles she played had something to do with it) but I seemed to like her and have every since then. I like her tomboy ways because tomboyish or not she is still beautiful and still feminine. I like her attitude and I like her movies.
When I first found out she was getting married I was elated for her and then I found out to who because I was unaware of this character Jesse James, what he does or his reality show because biking is not my thing. In any case I was not impressed and wondered what the he** she saw in him. Granted, even though he cleans up well a lot of it for me was superficial but I finally decided regardless of what we think “john q public” if he makes her happy that is all that counts!
Even though this article is about Sandra let me just mention that I am a huge Apprentice fan and when I saw Jesse James on the show I was even less impressed with him because I saw him as somewhat arrogant and a know it all with too high an opinion of himself…but look at him now.
Sandra married Jesse James on July 16, 2005. Sandra took on a huge role (step mom) when she married Jesse but she rose to the occasion and for a long time I guess they were pretty happy, I know Sandra was. She was so proud of this man, her husband and took every chance to include him in whatever was going on even crediting him when she received her Oscar for “The Blind Side” and right after that he broke her heart. Sandra is the epitome of (u)the last one to know and it hurt so much she withdrew from society for a bit and she made a decision (same one I would have made) to get a divorce. At the beginning I labored under the impression that Jesse James had an indiscretion but it turns out this was an ongoing thing. This was too much even for me!!!
Do I feel bad for Jesse James, no, no more than I felt for President Clinton or Tiger Woods. You can’t claim to love someone so much and they be the love of your life and you can’t keep it in your pants. That’s not love but you wanting to have your cake and eat it too and you only become remorseful once you’re found out and you know the public thinks you’re a sh*thheel. I can only say that the fact that Jesse James had already been married twice should have been a clue for Sandra. If nothing else she should have at least tried to find out why the previous divorces. If infidelity was involved she should have run for the hills because Sandra had only planned to marry once (forever) and as far as I am concerned not only did he wreck something really beautiful and meaningful for Sandra but she can never recover that dream.
News Updates:
4/28/2010: Saying she's sad and scared, Sandra Bullock confirms she "filed legal papers seeking to end her marriage." She also revealed that in January she adopted a newborn baby, Louis Bardo Bullock, and that she will raise Louis on her own.
Ps: bottom line even with the “heil Hitler photo” (a Hitler stance doesn’t a racist make, neither does a derogatory remark about your race) I don’t think Jesse James is prejudice, a racist or is a monster. He’s just a very very very small man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!