I am a thinker....
I am a dreamer and an idealist. I am much more concerned with how things should be than how they actually are. I believe that what people do is much more important than what people say. I take careful notice of everyone's actions.
I tend to be quite rational. I try to think with a clear head, and I don't like it when my emotions get the better of me. I confront challenges head on. I actually enjoy solving problems - even when they seem impossible.
I did the above exercise on someone else's blog. It's kinda cool and pretty accurate which is why I posted it here. I'm also posting the link in case you'd like to find out what kind of er you are!
Hiya! I tried to do the test but not of the answers seemed to apply. These days I just live every moment and enjoy life to the full! I tried to leave a comment on your music blog - great header by the way - but I couldn't. Let me know if you need help fixing that - it is a blogger glitch.
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